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Zero Conversation (Benefit Producer)


If you are a financial planner, many times you are talking to a client who has no idea about either the chance of a disability or the importance of protecting their income. And, what we know is that a person's incomeis what is going to fund the financial plan.

In this example, we are going to assume we are talking to a client who is 40 years old and makes $50,000 per year.


Advisor: "Dan, there are 3 numbers I want to discuss."






$2,386,000 is the amount of money you are going to make between now and age 65 if we assume 5% annual cost of living increases. 1/2 is the type of health insurance plan that you have currently. What I mean by that is that when you get hurt or sick and cannot work, the doctor gets paid, the hospital gets paid, the pharmacist gets paid. But the most important person in the equation does not get paid. And 0 is the amount of control you have over becoming disabled.

What I want to talk about today is a plan that would make certain that you have a whole health insurance plan.


You can now have a conversation with your client regarding the importance completing their health insurance plan.

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