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Disability Insurance: An Easy Addition to Your Practice

I'm mostly a (life producer/investment specialist/financial planner). I rarely sell disability insurance.

Disability Insurance isn't something you focus on every day. It be an difficult subject to discuss, and if you're not confident you can answer all of your clients' questions, it can seem even harder.

DI products can be very difficult to understand, but the conversation can be easy. Start by asking you clients about their plans:

  • Do you know anyone who has been disabled, and unable to work, due to an illness or accident?

  • What impact did it have on their family?

  • (If they are married) Can your family sustain their current quality of life with just one income?

  • Are you willing to lose your savings, and possibly have to dip into your retirement account, if you were to become disabled?

Often, and especially if they are young, your clients haven't thought about the possibility of not being able to work. It's natural. But no matter what stage of life they're in, nearly every plan starts with the same thing: the ability to earn and generate an income.

Many of us have stories about someone who has been unable to work, even for a short period of time, due to some sort of disabling event. But we never think it will be us. Getting your clients to see that it could happen to them is the first step to getting them to recognize the need for coverage.

Don't feel you need to have all the right answers - you just need to ask the right questions and know we are here to support you in the quest for answers!

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